📄️ Components
Custom components can be tested here.
📄️ conda
https://freelearning.anaconda.cloud/get-started-with-anaconda/18202 at this point the full anaconda guide is probably useful
📄️ Glossary
Each glossary term should be defined in a short paragraph if possible. Ideally, link back to the chapter that first introduces the concept so that it can be explored in context.
📄️ learning-map
The learning map should show a flow chart of essential chapters, with the optional content branching off.
📄️ Learning Resources
Get Started with Anaconda
📄️ Reviewing Notes
I would love feedback on:
📄️ Your First Notebook
In this chapter you'll look at how to create your first Juypter Notebook, using Google Colabatory, which is a platform that hosts Notebooks online. This will allow you to quickly work with Python without having to set up anything on your computer.